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  • Setup authentication through environment variables.
  • Preferably a testing account for integration testing.

Basic Environment

  • Development is ran through Poetry.

  • $ git clone

  • $ cd toggl-api-wrapper
  • $ poetry shell
  • $ poetry install

  • Lint with $ ruff toggl_api

  • Check typing with $ mypy toggl_api


  • Make sure to set the environment variables plus the correct workspace id through the TOGGL_WORKSPACE_ID.
  • All tests are run through $ pytest.
  • Basic unit tests through $ pytest -m unit.
  • Integration tests through $ pytest -m integration.
  • Slow tests are marked as well $ pytest -m slow.
  • Test all supported python versions through $ tox.
    • Alternate python version are set through Pyenv in .python-version so make sure those are installed.
  • Test a specific version with the -e flag: $ tox -e py310.