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General Cache Flow

flowchart TD
    request <--> load
    request <-->|if delete request|delete <--> find
    request <--> |if get or put request|add <--> find
    request <---> |if patch or post request|update  <--> find
    request <---> |if cache is valid \n and get request| find

    request[request\n method] --> valid[\valid?/] --> save
    valid ----> returnn
    save -----> returnl[return list of objects]
    save -----> returnn[return none]
    save -----> returno[return single object]


Bases: ABC

Abstract class for caching toggl API data to disk.

Integrates fully with TogglCachedEndpoint to create a seemless depending on the users choice of cache.


  • commit

    Commits the cache to disk, database or other form. Basically method for finalising the cache. Abstract.

  • load_cache

    Loads the cache from disk, database or other form. Abstract.

  • save_cache

    Saves and preforms action depending on request type. Abstract.

  • find_entry

    Looks for a TogglClass in the cache. Abstract.

  • add_entry

    Adds a TogglClass to the cache. Abstract.

  • update_entry

    Updates a TogglClass in the cache. Abstract.

  • delete_entry

    Deletes a TogglClass from the cache. Abstract.

  • find_method

    Matches a RequestMethod to cache functionality.

  • parent_exist

    Validates if the parent has been set. The parent will be generally set by the endpoint when assigned. Abstract.

  • query

    Queries the cache for various varibles. Abstract.


  • _cache_path

    Path to the cache file. Will generate the folder if it does not exist.

  • _expire_after

    Time after which the cache should be refreshed. If using an integer it will be assumed as seconds. If set to None its ignored.

  • _parent

    Parent TogglCachedEndpoint


Bases: TogglCache

Class for caching data to a Sqlite database.


  • expire_after (Optional[timedelta | int], default: None ) –

    Time after which the cache should be refreshed. If using an integer it will be assumed as seconds. If set to None the cache will never expire.

  • parent (Optional[TogglCachedEndpoint], default: None ) –

    Parent endpoint that will use the cache. Usually assigned automatically when supplied to a cached endpoint.


  • database

    Sqlalchemy database engine.

  • metadata

    Sqlalchemy metadata.

  • session

    Sqlalchemy session.


  • load_cache

    Loads the data from disk and stores it in the data attribute. Invalidates any entries older than expire argument.

toggl_api.modules.meta.cache.json_cache.JSONSession dataclass

Data structure for storing JSON in memory.

Similar to a SQL session as its meant to have the same/similar interface.


  • save

    Saves the data to a JSON file. Setting current timestamp and version.

  • load

    Loads the data from disk and stores it in the data attribute. Invalidates any entries older than expire argument.


  • max_length (int) –

    Max length of the data to be stored.

  • version (str) –

    Version of the data structure.

  • data (list[TogglClass]) –

    List of Toggl objects stored in memory.

  • modified (int) –

    Timestamp of when the cache was last modified in nanoseconds. Used for checking if another cache object has updated it recently.


Bases: TogglCache

Class for caching Toggl data to disk in JSON format.


  • path (Path) –

    Path to the cache file

  • expire_after (Optional[timedelta | int], default: None ) –

    Time after which the cache should be refreshed. If using an integer it will be assumed as seconds. If set to None the cache will never expire.

  • parent (Optional[TogglCachedEndpoint], default: None ) –

    Parent endpoint that will use the cache. Usually assigned automatically when supplied to a cached endpoint.

  • max_length (int, default: 10000 ) –

    Max length of the data to be stored.


  • commit

    Wrapper for that saves the current json data to disk.

  • save_cache

    Saves the given data to the cache. Takes a list of Toggl objects or a single Toggl object as an argument and process the change before saving.

  • load_cache

    Loads the data from the cache and returns the data to the caller discarding expired entries.


  • session(JSONSession)

    Store the current json data in memory while handling the cache.